
Buying 01

Conduct a Needs Analysis

We know the buying experience can be fraught with mystery. Our experienced agents will leverage expertise, local market knowledge, and key industry partnerships to ease you through the process of finding your dream property. We’ve been down this road many times before, so we’ll first ask the necessary questions and gather the important data we need to kick off journey to property ownership. Let’s get started!

Buying 02 | 1031 Exchange

Get Your Finances in Order

At this stage, our job is to maneuver all the financial pieces if needed, to ensure you’re on strong financial footing when that ideal property becomes available. Our recommended network of lenders, financial experts, and 1031 intermediaries will help tighten up your credit, determine exactly how much you can afford for both a property and a down payment, or make sure you are accomplish your goals and timeframe in alignment logistically.

Buying 03

Shop for A Home

Now for the fun part! We’ll help you draw up a “wish list” of everything you’re looking for in not just your new property, but your new community as well. We’ll match your must-haves with your budget and expectations, then draw on our local expertise and network of industry colleagues to help you find a place that’s everything you wished for. Shopping for a property is exciting, so just have fun with it!

Buying 04

Make an Offer and Negotiate

You’ve found “the one” and you’re ready to make an offer! We’ll help you formulate a fair, data-driven purchase offer based on in-depth market analysis, and draw up the purchase agreements. Then, we’ll leverage smart negotiating skills to guide you through contingencies and ensure you don’t spend any more than you need to. And, should things not work out with one offer, we’ll be ready with a game plan for the next.

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Conduct a Property Inspection

Once your offer is accepted, you can elect to inspect the property. If you do this, we’ll schedule an independent licensed inspector to fully check a property's condition. Because it detects issues that aren’t apparent on a walk-through, a home inspection is a powerful negotiating tool and the best insurance you can ever get on a property. If issues arise, we’ll work with you to develop strategies on how best to proceed. You’re getting close, and we will ensure you stay on track!

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Get Final Financing Approval

If financing is involved, this part can get complicated, but we know from experience how to keep the crucial final stages of loan approval from becoming overwhelming. We’ll regularly monitor the progress of your transaction and keep you fully aware of unexpected funds that might be expected from you. We’ll also work with your lender to make sure all the necessary paperwork is complete as we move closer to a smooth closing.

Buying 07

Congratulate Yourself on Your New Home!

Making it through escrow can seem like a mountain of details but the view from the top is worth it. Expect to sign a ton of paperwork before you get there, and we’ll hold your hand through every step of the process. A few days before closing, we’ll conduct a final walk-through, and then, once both parties sign closing statements, the keys are yours and we’ll celebrate your ownership of a piece of paradise.

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